Web Design

Website for an art project located in the blackforest


This art collective located in the city Balingen consists of a diverse group of artists, who were commissioned to paint the cities power distributor boxes, to make the city more colourful.

The website I created using the content management system “Typo3” is featuring every painted power distributor of the city.

Implemented features:

The City Map

  • Map of Balingen showing every painted power distributor in the city using a marker
  • Image preview of the associated power distributor after clicking it’s marker
  • Redirect after another click (onto the preview image)

The Gallery

  • A dynamically generated Image Gallery, that is created combining multiple tables that contain the art information of each power distributor: Image(s), Artist, GPS Location, (if included) Description of it’s associated painting
  • Dimensions: [4 * n]

Story / About the artists

  • Information about the artists stories, 
  • Stylistically provided information / relevant images

Info-Terminal for the University Furtwangen

Fakultät Informatik | Blackboard

A terminal to inform and update the students about upcoming events, job openings and more relevant information.

Following sections were developed:

  • Timetable containing all up-to-date student timetables
  • Course enrolment function. The Terminal is asking the student to identify them using their F-Card. This is managed by using an external NFC-Card reader and the Universities local database containing the student’s identity numbers. After typing in some relevant information, the enrolment is then executed
  • Information section about upcoming events, open student jobs
  • “All around the campus” knowledge section including where to go to get help, etc.

Website for a restaurant located in the blackforest


Website for NABU - Bühl/Achern
